A fun Brazilian Portuguese debate
2025 is your year to level up your Brazilian Portuguese—agora é a hora! 🇧🇷
Join us at Carioca Connection
Join us at Carioca Connection
In this episode of Carioca Connection, Alexia and Foster play a game where they discuss whether things are overrated, underrated, or appropriate. They cover topics like cheeseburgers, Paris, bacon, surprise parties, and costume parties.
Improve your Brazilian Portuguese with real-life vocabulary, authentic conversations, and have fun at the same time. Press play!
Improve your Brazilian Portuguese with real-life vocabulary, authentic conversations, and have fun at the same time. Press play!
Ready to speak confidently, understand real-life Portuguese, and dive deep into Brazilian culture in 2025? 🇧🇷
Join us at: https://cariocaconnection.com
Join us at: https://cariocaconnection.com
- (00:00) - Introdução ao episódio e explicação do jogo
- (03:36) - Debate sobre se cheeseburger é supervalorizado, subestimado ou adequado
- (06:04) - Paris é super valorizada, mas ainda vale a pena visitar
- (10:29) - Reação à surpresa de festa depende da pessoa
- (11:38) - Odeia festas à fantasia, prefere carnaval
- (13:39) - Encerramento: conexão é subestimada, mente adequada para todos
- (13:58) - Agradecimentos finais