Displaying 331 - 335 of 335 in total

S01:E05 - Brazilians Love New York
Brazilians love New York City. They can't get enough of it. In this episode, we find out why and talk about Alexia's experience in the Big Apple.2023 is the year to im...

S01:E04 - Porteiro: Your Most Intimate Relationship in Brazil
In episode 4 we discuss one of the most important figures in urban Brazilian society--the porteiro. The doorman. The super. Whatever you want to call them, in Brazil, ...

S01:E03 - Drinking In Brazil
It doesn't matter if you are a drinker or not, the odds are that alcohol will play a role in your life in Brazil. Whether drinking caipirinhas on Ipanema or sharing be...

S01:E02 - Weird Things Brazilians Do
We'll be the first ones to admit it, Brazilians are kind of weird sometimes. Parts of their daily routine often leave foreigners dumbfounded. In episode two, we discus...

S01:E01 - Welcome To Carioca Connection!
In this episode, Alexia and Foster introduce the podcast, the genesis story of the project, and talk a little bit more about what we are doing and how it can help your...