Displaying 121 - 150 of 334 in total

S07:E20 - Getting sick in Brazil {Practice makes perfect from “The Fundamentals”}

S07:E20 - Getting sick in Brazil {Practice makes perfect from “The Fundamentals”}

This episode is a little bit different from what we normally do. Today's episode is a repetition audio from our Fundamentals course. Listen and repeat. Practice makes ...

S07:E19 - Preparing to travel to Brazil {from “The Fundamentals”}

S07:E19 - Preparing to travel to Brazil {from “The Fundamentals”}

On this episode of “The Fundamentals” Alexia and Foster talk about the things you need to know regarding accommodations in Portuguese.The Fundamentals is a 4-week cour...

S07:E18 - How one Brazilian embraces different cultures {with Adriana from Adventures with Alexia}

S07:E18 - How one Brazilian embraces different cultures {with Adriana from Adventures with Alexia}

In this episode of Adventures with Alexia, Alexia talks to Adriana. An old friend of Alexia’s, Adriana knows a thing or two about living in different cultures. Growing...

S07:E17 - All of the sudden...you end up in Singapore {Adventures with Alexia}

S07:E17 - All of the sudden...you end up in Singapore {Adventures with Alexia}

On this episode of Adventures with Alexia — a collection of captivating conversations with Brazilians traveling the world we offer at Carioca Connection Club, Alexia t...

S07:E16 - Adventures with Alexia {Special Project!}

S07:E16 - Adventures with Alexia {Special Project!}

Alexia is working on a new project, one of the big ones. She's talking to Brazilians living outside of Brazil who have a lot of stories to tell. From Gasglow to Singap...

S07:E15 - Finnish community in Penedo, Brazil

S07:E15 - Finnish community in Penedo, Brazil

Penedo is home to the biggest Finnish community in Brazil and you won't believe how it got started. A hint: it has a lot to do with the sun, vegetarianism and abstaini...

S07:E14 - Ilha Grande, Rio de Janeiro

S07:E14 - Ilha Grande, Rio de Janeiro

A beautiful natural paradise in Rio de Janeiro that was once a place of isolation for lepers and a maximum security prison, Ilha Grande has a lot of stories you probab...

S07:E13 - Porto de Galinhas, Pernambuco

S07:E13 - Porto de Galinhas, Pernambuco

Besides being one of the most beautiful beaches in Brazil, Porto de Galinhas has an inspiring ecological preservation project to save seahorse population. Learn more a...

S07:E12 - BĂșzios, Rio de Janeiro

S07:E12 - BĂșzios, Rio de Janeiro

Also known as Brazilian Saint-Tropez, BĂșzios is a charming historical town in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Whether you like beaches, shopping, or great food, BĂșzios ha...

S07:E11 - PetrĂłpolis, Rio de Janeiro

S07:E11 - PetrĂłpolis, Rio de Janeiro

Brazil transitioned from monarchy to democracy in 1889. But did you know that there is a city in Brazil where people still have to pay taxes to the imperial family? It...

S07:E10 - Getting a haircut in Brazil

S07:E10 - Getting a haircut in Brazil

At some point, you might need to get a haircut in Brazil. This can be a complicated experience. You probably don't want to ask for 'costeletas' instead of 'cavanhaque'...

S07:E09 - Wait... Is MĂ©qui Donalds a thing?

S07:E09 - Wait... Is MĂ©qui Donalds a thing?

Have you ever wondered how Brazilians talk about fast food in Brazil? It's way different than English. In this episode, we break down the most important vocabulary tha...

S07:E08 - How to rent a car in Brazil

S07:E08 - How to rent a car in Brazil

Talking about cars in Brazil can be pretty complicated. Whether you are renting a car or just having a casual conversation, this episode is full of real Portuguese tha...

S07:E07 - Famous brands with difficult pronunciations in Brazil

S07:E07 - Famous brands with difficult pronunciations in Brazil

In this episode Foster and Alexia compare the way Brazilians and English speakers pronounce famous retail brands. If you're going shopping in Brazil, you need to check...

S07:E06 - The Circle Brasil - Intellectually debatable, linguistically rich

S07:E06 - The Circle Brasil - Intellectually debatable, linguistically rich

Sometimes the best language learning material is where you least expect it. Alexia and Foster talk about a new reality show that illustrates the diversity and richness...

S07:E05 - Brazilian pronunciation of airlines that you need to know

S07:E05 - Brazilian pronunciation of airlines that you need to know

Now that you've learned a lot of vocabulary for when you arrive at the airport, it's time to learn how Brazilians actually talk so you don't get on the wrong flight.20...

S07:E04 - At the airport in Brazil...e agora?

S07:E04 - At the airport in Brazil...e agora?

Todos nĂłs estamos morrendo de saudades de viajar...so we recorded an episode with all of the most important Brazilian Portuguese vocabulary that you need know when you...

S07:E03 - Mental Health: Resources

S07:E03 - Mental Health: Resources

Recently, we've been discussing mental health using real-life Brazilian Portuguese. In this episode, we talk about the resources we use to take care of our own mental ...

S07:E02 - Mental Health: Vocabulary

S07:E02 - Mental Health: Vocabulary

In the previous episode we talked about anxiety and the importance of mental health. In this episode, Foster and Alexia talk about the most important vocabulary that y...

S07:E01 - Mental Health: Anxiety

S07:E01 - Mental Health: Anxiety

In this episode we talk about one of the most recurrent themes of our generation: anxiety.

The Best Of: Finalmente juntos!

The Best Of: Finalmente juntos!

Levou quase 7 meses para estarmos juntos novamente. A pandemia pegou todos nĂłs de surpresa e nĂŁo poderĂ­amos imaginar o que vinha pela frente. Hoje comentamos sobre a n...

The Best Of: Como recuperar uma lĂ­ngua

The Best Of: Como recuperar uma lĂ­ngua

Como recuperar uma lĂ­ngua e continuar motivado a estudar? Hoje conversamos sobre a experiĂȘncia do Foster de como manter o portuguĂȘs ativo mesmo depois de ter estudado ...

The Best Of: O que significa o Instagram para os brasileiros

The Best Of: O que significa o Instagram para os brasileiros

O que realmente significa o Instagram para os brasileiros? No episĂłdio de hoje tentamos entender as boas oportunidades que o Instagram dĂĄ para nĂłs e como utilizamos da...

The Best Of: Aliens no Brasil. Varginha tem muito o que contar!

The Best Of: Aliens no Brasil. Varginha tem muito o que contar!

ET de Varginha. Uma histĂłria que jĂĄ tem anos no Brasil e que atĂ© hoje desperta dĂșvidas e suposiçÔes. VocĂȘ acredita em Aliens? E que pessoas realmente viram? Bom, hoje ...

The Best Of: As palavras mais difĂ­ceis no portuguĂȘs

The Best Of: As palavras mais difĂ­ceis no portuguĂȘs

O Carioca Connection traz um desafio para vocĂȘ: as palavras que quem estĂĄ estudando a lĂ­ngua tem mais dificuldade de falar. Foi bem engraçado ver o Foster sofrendo mas...

The Best Of: Gírias que só os Brasileiros são capazes de criar 😂

The Best Of: Gírias que só os Brasileiros são capazes de criar 😂

Hoje falamos sobre gĂ­rias. Mas, nĂŁo se engane, sĂŁo as gĂ­rias do mundo moderno, da realidade brasileira e o que anda-se falando nas ruas, grupos de WhatsApp, Twitter, I...

The Best Of: Curiosidades sobre os Brasileiros quando viajam

The Best Of: Curiosidades sobre os Brasileiros quando viajam

No episĂłdio de hoje falamos sobre algumas curiosidades dos brasileiros quando estĂŁo viajando ou morando fora. CaracterĂ­sticas bem engraçadas e outras que vocĂȘs jamais ...

The Best Of: Saudade - O Real Significado da Palavra

The Best Of: Saudade - O Real Significado da Palavra

VocĂȘ sabe o que saudade significa? Hoje conversamos sobre essa palavra que sĂł existe no portuguĂȘs e que Ă© essencial que vocĂȘ aprenda. Aperta o play!2023 is the year to...

The Best Of: 8 Frases ImperdĂ­veis do PortuguĂȘs do Brasil

The Best Of: 8 Frases ImperdĂ­veis do PortuguĂȘs do Brasil

Frases imperdĂ­veis em PortuguĂȘs? Temos! Muito aprendizado e diversĂŁo? TambĂ©m temos! Vamos te ajudar a aprender PortuguĂȘs de forma simples e eficaz. Aperta o play!2023 ...

The Best Of:  7 ExpressĂ”es que vocĂȘ precisa saber em portuguĂȘs

The Best Of: 7 ExpressĂ”es que vocĂȘ precisa saber em portuguĂȘs

Sabe aquelas expressĂ”es que vocĂȘ precisa aprender tanto para poder compreender quanto para vocĂȘ aprender a utilizar no seu dia a dia com o PortuguĂȘs? EntĂŁo, esse episĂł...

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